Monday, October 1, 2007

I read Saunders little piece. Very entertaining. Very thought provoking. However, I don't have a single friend who is a "Manly Man" or even a "Girly Girl" for that matter. These fucken men, these, macho mother fuckers make me want to vomit. These jerk-offs walk around, flexing their muscles in their skin-tight armani exchange t-shirts, tight, diesel jeans with matching diesel shoes, and the most ridiculous fucken hair cuts I have ever seen in my life. These guys all seem to be obsessed with "working out" as well. Which is absolutely fantastic! I work out too! However, I don't find the need to talk about it for ours on end with my buddies. I hit the weights hard for an hour or two and forget about it. I don't watch, "The Game," either. Whatever that game may be, I am proud of the fact that I have never once said,
"Honey, I'm watching the game."
I say,
"Fuck the game, let's fuck! Come on, right here on the floor, you and me!"
I have been labeled a "fag" all of my life. Since I never took an interest in sports all that much, and I rather enjoy taking care of myself, I guess I did come across as a homosexual.
Everyone thought so. My dad thought I was a queer. I know he did. My ma has her suspicions. I know she does. My grandfather used to call me "Sweety." Trust me, it wasn't said in the loving way. I hate that mothafucker. He was always proud of the fact that he was a "man's man." He was a Marine when he was in his youth. He grew up to be a wife beating, child abusing/molesting sack a'shit. I told him once that I would slit his throat if I ever saw him again.
That pussy nearly shit his pants. Hahahaha.
I've been pulling my hair out almost all of my life trying to figure out just what a man truly is. I don't fight. I believe I'm too smart for that. I'm not a hard-ass. I'm sensitive. I hide it, thoug. I'm afraid of being stepped on one more time. You see, people mistake kindness for weakness. However, I know the difference.


Prof said...


I got a laugh out of your description of "manly men." And I found your way of referring to watching sports droll.

On another subject, I tried to e-mail you but find you're not on the mailing list. Here's a link you might be interesting in:

It's a radio show observing punk's 30th year. The editor of Spin Magazine chooses what he sees as the top 30 albums.

Prof said...

Ooops, being an English teacher, I cannot allow my error to go uncorrected. Should have been "interested," not "interesting."

Lauren Belford said...

Patrick, tell us how you really feel!! :) You are such a blast to read, especially when you go off on your tangents. When I talked to you, you seemed to be a little I really enjoy reading your blogs, the truth comes out!!

Emily Meade said...

wow that was an interesting way of putting a manly man, but i see you in class and you do look like a tough guy, but its ok to be sensitive because that shows who you really are and not who everyone is trying to be. i respect you cause of that.