Sunday, October 7, 2007

I drink, folks. I won't lie to ya. I wait until everything's done and then I blow my fucken brains out. I mean, every once and a while you have to fucken drink. Sometimes you have to think about the women that broke your heart and say,
"Oh, make that TWO FIFTHS OF JACK DANIELS!!!!"
I know everyone's trying to be straight now like these rock n' roll fucken pussies. Yeah, I watch MTV. They have that whole "Rock Against Drugs" campaign, which is basically just a bunch of rockers who got wasted once, slid into a school bus and killed twenty children. And within the face of license they make public service announcements. Yeah, no shit!?
I love these guys, they're like,
"Hello. Listen, don't get caught with drugs or you'll have to do a commercial just like this one."
Yeah, I think I got the message. The message is don't get caught.
Rock against drugs. Someone was high when the came up with this campaign. It's the same thing as saying, "Christians Against Christ."
Rock created drugs. What the fuck are these people talking about.

1 comment:

G's blog said...

I love this post. You are absolutely right. It's like seeing Kid Rock on a D.A.R.E. van. Did you here the Rockstar song by Nickleback? He tells you that everyone has a drug dealer on speed dial. I DRINK TOO!!!!!! I prefer taking shots of Black Haus ....Jack gives me heart burn....I also enjoy smoking a blunt to calm me and relax me...Fuck everyone whose straight edge...CHEERS!!!!!!!!